The most comprehensive learning system for pilot training!
The AIRCADEMY Groundschool accompanies you optimally through the theory lessons and prepares your students optimally for the exams. This learning system combines all important functions for flight schools and your flight students.

All in one system
AIRCADEMY Groundschool is the optimal learning system for flight schools and flight students. All important functions for theory lessons and exam preparation are integrated here in one program. Students have a comprehensive overview of their knowledge level, while schools can optimally manage certificates, groups, exercises and much more. Welcome to AIRCADEMY Groundschool – your ideal companion for theory lessons and exam preparation.
Online question trainer
- Extensive database
- The question database is 100% up to date at all times
- Different test modes for the best learning success
- Simple and clear learning
- Create your own notes and question collections
EASA and ICAO compliant and in use by over 25 authorities worldwide!
Learning content
- The proven AIRCADEMY books as online material
- Intermediate tests to deepen the chapter
- The perfect accompaniment to lessons thanks to professional learning materials, maps and graphics
- Very well suited also for self-study
School Administration
- Create teachers, groups and task packages
- Create your own tests, documents and tasks
- Easy license management and fast onboarding of students
- Conduct midterms and pretests incl. Certificates for registration with the authority
100% timeliness and quality at the highest level
Question database always 100% up to date!
EASA and ICAO compliant and in use by over 25 authorities worldwide!
All available licenses:
PPL(A), PPL(H), SPL, BPL(Gas), BPL (HotAir), ATPL(A), CPL(A), IR, (L)APL
Online access at any time, compatible with all PCs, smartphones, etc.
AIRCADEMY has more than 15 years of experience in pilot training
As a flight school, you can now test all functions free of charge for 3 weeks in our demo.
Simple and fast school management

- Simple and clear management of students, teachers, employees, etc.
- Organization in groups
- Insight into the complete question database
- Compile, save, manage and assign your own tests
- Create homework and assignment packages incl. own tasks, documents, individual tests and statistics
- Guide your students to exam success by keeping track of all learning progress in a clear and concise manner
- Pre-tests with statistics and PDF certificates for student registration with the authority
- Simple ordering process, comprehensive license management and fast student onboarding
Your students will benefit from one of the most comprehensive learning systems for pilot training!
- Intuitive question trainer with direct evaluation of correct and incorrect answers
- The proven AIRCADEMY PPL(A) textbooks as an online course
- Complete ICQB-PPL syllabus-compliant exam questions.
- Online access to the entire questionnaire
- Create your own notes and question collections
- Keep track of your own learning success simply and clearly
- Consolidation of learning content through various learning modes such as resubmission of incorrectly answered questions, analysis of individual “problem questions”, exam simulation, etc.
- Configure your own quick tests depending on requirements and time budget
- Exam mode to simulate the theory exam
- Assignment packages and homework to accompany the lessons to prepare for and follow up on the lessons

The question databases and learning materials are created by an international team of experts and are constantly kept up to date.
As a flight school or aviation supply dealer, please contact us at
As a student, you can purchase Groundschool from your flight school or aviation supply retailer, such as, and
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Yes and No. You can view statistics and evaluations in all areas in which a student has actively completed interim tests, pre-tests, or tasks within assigned task packages. However, to provide learners with some privacy in your learning process, outside of these specially held exams, only general learning progress can be viewed such as percentage progress within the learning content.
Our learning platform works on all currently available end devices with an internet browser.
PPL(A), PPL(H), SPL, ATPL(A), CPL(A), IR und BPL (Gas + Heißluft) (gas + hot air) and the corresponding LAP licenses.
You can read the detailed learning objectives here. They are based on AMC1 FCL.210; FCL.215 (PPL(A) and PPL(H)) as well as AMC1 SFCL.130 for SPL and AMC1 BFCL.130 for BPL and are compliant with them.
In addition, the ECQB-PPL covers the AltMoCs of various aviation authorities. This includes the AltMoC 2020-00034 of the BMVI, which is valid in Germany, and the Civil Aviation Personnel Notice (ACG) FCL 13, which was submitted by Austro Control GmbH and applies to inspections in Austria.